Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Increase SAT Score Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

Increase SAT Score Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace SAT, also known as Scholastic Assessment test is the test taken by high school students planning to studying in colleges and universities in the United States. SAT test examines students in 3 important sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. The main purpose of SAT test is to analyze the logical and interpretation skills of a student. Students are tested in reading, writing and in math so that the students are ready to handle college level courses which include new topics related to their respective field of interest. Therefore, students must improve their learning skills and should practice basic concepts from every chapter so that they score well on the test. To get a good score in the Critical reading section, students should work on their vocabulary skills and rhetoric skills. The usage of verbs, pronouns, adjectives in a sentence have to understood and should know the literary terms commonly used in a passage. Reading section analyzes the students ability to read and comprehend the given questions and hence students must first understand the main idea of the given passage. In the Mathematics section, there are sub-sections which include majorly multiple choice questions and few grid-in questions. To get good scores in this section, students must have good logical and conceptual knowledge of math topics and hence should regularly practice math questions. To score well in the Writing section, students should have good knowledge of grammar and therefore must use proper words and phrases to be able to write a good essay.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Why Study Art at an Art School

Why Study Art at an Art School Everything You Need To Know About Studying Art ChaptersWhat Are the Different Types of Art Programs?Types of Careers for Art studentsTop Schools for Art StudentsHow To Start Building A PortfolioOne of the major reasons why people choose to study art is simply because of the fact it is a broad subject which encapsulates many peoples’ passions. It can be tempting to think of art at a school of art as static, a subject which only delves into the world of life drawing and painting. Before deciding to study at an art school, it can be extremely helpful to understand the different kinds of art programs available to you within an art education.Art majors, as with every degree, can have a hard time after graduation CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Are the Different Types of Art Programs?There are many different ways of defining art, but the general definition usually includes a division along three main categories. The first two, visual arts and performing arts, include everything from interior architecture to playwriting. The third, literature, tends to be less present in most arts schools â€" which is why we will be focusing on the first two.While there is a lot of interdisciplinary work that occurs between these three branches, it can be helpful to understand the characteristics that makes generalizations between them possible.Fine ArtsThe traditional definition of fine art is both an activity that requires a fine skill, as well as one that concerns itself with the creation of “beautiful objects.” What is typical of many definitions of fine arts is that very rarely do they mention any specific subjects â€" and that is because the fine arts actually co ver a large swath of subjects.While fine arts normally calls up images of lecture-based art theory courses or classes in ceramics â€" it can also include everything from music to painting.Getting a master or bachelor degree of fine arts means that you will have access to a diverse array of art programs. Here are some ideas of some fields that you can specialize in and can help you narrow down your future college of art:SculpturePrintmakingArt designDrawing and PaintingStudio artsArchitectureDigital mediaThe beautiful aspect of studying the fine arts is that you will actually be able to find a school of the arts that specializes in the particular subjects you’re interested in within the art world. Students who are drawn to fashion will be able to find an art center that includes a design program, while students who have an interest with metalsmithing will be able to find both plenty of scholarships and colleges at their disposal.Film SchoolTalking about specializing in a subject †" you’ll often find that studying the arts will allow you to specialize in a way that many fields don’t allow. One of the most popular examples of this, and the choice amongst many young artists, is film school. While film school can include traditional subjects like screen writing, editing and other technical skills â€" it can also extend to cover subjects for students who are interested in animation.Some programs that might be worth checking out if you’re interested in what film school can offer you are:Computer animationFilm and television productionPhotographyGame artSearch for  art courses near me  on Superprof right now.Art HistoryInterested in curatorial work? Or perhaps the world of museums, art auctions galleries interests you? Art History is one of the specializations within the art world that many people â€" both artistically inclined or not â€" end up taking up. Visual art, fine arts performing arts â€" any discipline within art will always be influenced by the fin ancial and curatorial movements of the art world.The study of these movements aren’t only found in an academy of art or art institute, but can also be found in many liberal arts programs around the world. Art History is a field as broad as any, which makes it equally as important to figure out which moment â€" neoclassicalism, baroque â€" captures your attention the most.Getting an arts education can lead to many different career pathwaysTypes of Careers for Art studentsWhether you have received a design education, have a master of fine arts, or are simply curious about what kind of career opportunities will be available to you if you choose to study an art program, here are some of the most common jobs.Arts AdministrationWhether you’ve graduated from a university of the arts or have received a liberal arts degree, arts administration is an interdisciplinary field involving art and subjects like business, finance and history.Some examples of the kinds of work you’d be doing as an arts administrator are:Running a center of the artsCurating museum workSelling artwork at auctions or galleriesInvolved in an art NGOExhibition WorkIf you have gone to a school of the arts, or have simply developed your artwork on your own, displaying your pieces in an exhibition or in galleries can be a lucrative and rewarding job. Many art programs and art colleges do a good job of preparing their students for this type of work because it requires a constant output of artwork from its students.Keep in mind that there is a large percentage of artists who cannot afford to support themselves on their artwork alone, so be sure to have a couple of secondary career ideas in mindEntrepreneurIf you have a arts degree for fine arts, or have graduated from a fashion and design school, you might be interested in starting your own business. In fact, many of the art programs you will find at both a school of design or an art college will give you the tools to coordinate your creativity wit h your passion for business.Some examples of the kinds of businesses or organizations you will be able to start with your arts degree are:Jewellery storeMetalsmithingOwning a film production companyTop Schools for Art StudentsIf you’re interested in exploring where your creativity can take you, you’re also probably wondering which college of art and design will be best for you. There are many factors to consider when trying to discern the best art and design programs for you, including the price of tuition, the quality of university art, and career opportunities.Studying art is notorious for the financial struggles its been known to but artists in. However, like any degree, with enough preparation, you will be able to find many scholarships and grants that are geared towards helping students in need. Whether you’re pursuing a degree in visual art like painting and life drawing or want to go to a design school, looking into these programs will be vital if you’d like to reliev e some of the burdens of tuition for your college of art.As a prospective student, studying art will enable you to choose from a wide array of art schools both in the UK and abroad. Here are some of the best British universities, as well as universities with the possibility of admitting you as an international student, organized by subject and world region.Film EducationArts University Bournemouth â€" like many other art schools, you will find a range of cross-disciplinary programs here. While being known for producing award-winning films, they offer programs in performance design as well..ArchitectureUniversity of Sheffield â€" if you’re looking to study architecture for a masters or bachelors degree in the UK, you might want to start by checking this university out. It’s been voted as the best place to study the subject in Britain.Universities in AsiaIf you’re looking to study abroad, either for a semester or for a four year program, check out these schools:Seoul National Un iversity, KoreaNational University of Singapore, SingaporeNorth American UniversitiesThe Americas have always been a popular destination of students looking for a study abroad experience. Two schools with reputable art programs are:Rhode Island School of Design, United StatesUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, MexicoA degree and career in fine arts can lead to a rewarding lifeHow To Start Building A PortfolioWhether you’re an undergraduate, looking to get a position as an artist in residence, or simply want to get some of your student work at an exhibition or in galleries â€" building a portfolio is at once the most important and hardest part of applying to jobs and art programs.If you were to talk to many alumni or art educators, you are likely to hear some common advice when it comes to building a portfolio. The first step you should take, if you haven’t already, is to get organized â€" advice that will continue to be true long after you become an art teacher, head your o wn exhibit or even take a position as a provost.Start organizing your work by selecting only the work by picking a method by which to categorize your studio art, digital media, performances or paintings. Some common ways in which people do this are:Chronological order â€" from your first work to your latestThematic order â€" based on a certain subject, move or motifProgression of a specific projectA combination of the threeThe next step in building any portfolio is to be selective. Many of the job opportunities, positions to lead workshops, and admissions programs have a limited number of art works that they will allow artists to include in their portfolio. While every art piece might seem like it’s an important testament to your journey, make sure to only include the pieces that fit with the narrative you would like to tell.

Places to Teach Group Tutorials

Places to Teach Group Tutorials Where Can You Teach Private Group Tutorials? ChaptersPlaces for Different Types of TeachersCan You Teach Private Group Tutorials Outdoors?Teaching in Tutoring Agency BuildingsCan You Teach Private Tutorials in Libraries?“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” - Anthony J. D'AngeloIt seems that this quote has resonated with a lot of people with the growth of the tutoring industry.  The tutoring market in the UK is estimated at around £2bn per year and over 40% of pupils in London have had tutoring in some form or another.So how do you get in on the action and where can you teach your tutorials?In the fourth article in our series on teaching group tutorials, we’re looking at where you can teach group tutorials and which are best places to teach group tutorials. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Di scover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tut ors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsPlaces for Different Types of TeachersLet’s make it clear that tutors offering group classes can rarely teach at a student’s house.  You probably can’t ask a single family to play host to several students and turn their living room into a classroom...If you can't teach students at your own home, you'll need to find somewhere else. (Source: StockSnap)So where can you teach private group tutorials?There’s no reason a tutor can’t turn a room in their house into a classroom. That said, it might be difficult to welcome a group of primary school or secondary school students into your home.This is sometimes a concern for parents as their children are minors and they’re not always keen to leave them with a stranger in their home.  Another disadvantage is that you’ll need to register as self-employed with HMRC, produce in voices, do your taxes, work out your rates, and all the other tasks that come with working for yourself. Of course, you can always hire an accountant to help you with this but this comes at a cost.You can also work as a salaried employee of a company offering private tutorials if you don’t really fancy all of this stuff.In short, This all means that if you want to teach weekly private tutorials which can’t take place at the students’ homes, you’re going to need to find a dedicated space.Can You Teach Private Group Tutorials Outdoors?A child’s academic success is at the heart of many parents’ concerns.There are few places better than the beach for a yoga session. (Source: Pexels)With students failing certain subjects and having to resit exams, the number of private tutorials taking place in the UK is growing.  The place these lessons take place will vary depending on the type of lesson and the subject being taught.  Since most group classes won’t have more than 10 stude nts in them, it means it’s easier to have classes outside.What’s better than getting some fresh air?Some subjects work perfectly with outdoor private tutorials, others not so much. Lessons such as sports, yoga, and fitness tutorials can take place in parks, at the beach, or in a forest, etc.  On the other hand, it’s quite tricky to study Pythagoras’ theorem on the beach.Isn’t it?Scientific and literary subjects tend to require resources like textbooks and worksheets and need a calm working environment.For private tutors teaching English literature or maths, physics, chemistry, or biology, for example, you’ll probably want to stay indoors. It's quite difficult to find a mathematics tutor who offers geometry, algebra, or calculus tutorials in the park.Our tutors on Superprof are available to teach groups. Foreign language classes are the most common lessons that can take place anywhere. Teaching outdoors is great if you're a French tutor, for example!  Whether you’re lea rning French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, etc., you can get your lesson in a classroom, a park, public gardens, or in a café or bar.  Meeting in a small group allows linguistic immersion between students as they chat in their new language and increase their level in it.Teaching private group classes outdoors can be really effective for certain subjects like language, sports, and fitness tutorials.  When it comes to group classes, you could also consider taking sports classes to gyms and sports halls.For a coach with a few students for a couple of hours, these are a great option. If you’re a coach or fitness instructor, there are plenty of clubs and groups all over the country. The advantage of these places is that many of them already have the necessary equipment, meaning that the tutors and students don’t have to pay for them.The bigger the city, the more places you can start working at.Teaching in Tutoring Agency BuildingsFrom primary school to university, many students nee d help catching up in order to get the best grades at GCSE, A Level, or in their degree.It's hardly surprising that classrooms are among the most popular places to teach. (Source: weisanjiang)The main goal of many group tutorials is to provide struggling students with regular tuition in order to go back over topics they mightn’t have understood in class or need more time getting to grips with.Students can enjoy intensive lessons during the school holidays to catch up or get ahead of their studies. There are a number of companies that offering tutoring services. This is one of the most common routes for experienced teachers wanting to teach group classes.Why?Because there are a number of advantages to teaching in this way:Having a classroom availableBeing an employee with a regular salary rather than a self-employed freelance teacherTutors save time on planning by planning one hour for multiple studentsSince there are multiple students, you can always mix things up if they are prog ressing as anticipated.Of course, to start working at one of these companies, you’ll have to apply, have an interview, a test of your skills.  You’ll also need to have an understanding of both the subject you teach and the appropriate teaching methods to teach it.Discover where else you could host private tutorials...Can You Teach Private Tutorials in Libraries?Where can you teach private tutorials other than at tutoring agencies and companies?Modern libraries have study spaces you can use for your lessons. (Source: jarmoluk)Libraries are a goldmine for teaching as they’re full of educational resources.  This is why you’ll find a lot of students in the library during the exam period.  Certain libraries actually have private rooms for people to work together where you won’t have to whisper. Find out more about local universities and public libraries that you may be able to use.Generally, public libraries are open at similar times to other businesses, often opening between 8 :30 and 9:00 in the morning and closing around 18:00.  Of course, make sure you pick up a library card so you can borrow the books for preparing your tutorials.Don't forget that there are plenty of different types of private tutoring.  A private tutor can offer online tutoring via webcam, one on one tutoring in your home or at the student's home, exam prep, homework help, academic tutoring for students who are struggling, and even help with home tutoring for other skills. If you can learn it, you can get tutorials in it.The most common type of tutoring is one-on-one tutoring where the tutorials take place with one tutor and one student. These are the most popular option and also the most expensive.  Students pay for the privilege of having a teacher's undivided attention, lessons tailored to them, and regular assistant in their studies.Tutors can also offer online tutoring whereby the student is taught using video conferencing software such as Skype. These lessons are usually more a ffordable as the tutor doesn't have to travel to the student's house and this saving is passed on the student. These types of lessons are better for academic subjects than they are sports and music. However, that doesn't mean you can't get webcam tutorials in almost any subject.Finally, group tutorials are a good compromise as they offer a saving for students and increased earning for the tutor who has to plan fewer lessons per student. As you'll have understood, though, you'll have to spend more time planning that you would for an individual tutorial as you need to make more students' needs into account and carefully organise somewhere where you can all get to in order to get the most out of each tutorial.If you'd like to become a tutor, you can create a profile on Superprof. All you have to do is say what subject you want to provide tutoring in, where you live if you're looking for tutoring jobs in your area, or choose to become an online tutor.  Students who want to find a tutor just have to search for the subject and where they are and they'll be presented with the best tutors on the platform!And then, all you need to do is set your rates for private tutoring...So why not join the growing number of tutors on the platform?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Ask an Admissions Expert Eddie LaMeire

Ask an Admissions Expert Eddie LaMeire Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Eddie LaMeire has worked in higher education since the late 1990s. His direct admissions experience began at Loyola Universitywhere he read approximately 500 applications every year. Later on, he worked for the University of California San Diegoin undergraduate admissions as well as the outreach and student recruitment programs. Eddie currently coaches students through the college application process at his own firm, LaMeire College Consulting. VT: How far ahead of time should a student begin working on his or her college application? Eddie: Let me start by saying this: A perfect college application wont make up for subpar grades, test scores, activities, and so forth. But, a poorly put together application can kill an otherwise strong applicants chances. With my students, we begin laying the groundwork for the application over the summer; most of the supplemental essays for colleges dont come out until August, so we cant get everything underway too early. Add to that the fact that most competitive applicants will do some sort of summer program, and mid-August is probably the earliest we would get started anyway. All this being said, there are really just three parts of the app a student would need to work on over the summer after determining her list of schools: the essays, the resume of activities (to refer to for application Extracurricular Activities sections), and the bragsheet (a document highlighting their most salient accomplishments for their recommenders). So, its not as though its a massive amount of material. But, beginning any later could put the student behind schedule. VT:What are the best ways to go about selecting a terrific essay topic? Eddie: There are entire sections in Barnes Noble detailing this, so let me try to make this response a bit different and interesting while still being accurate. I find that there arent any great essay topics in and of themselves. What makes a great essay, in my opinion, is not the storyline of the essay, but the reflection that the student takes on the storyline. In other words, its not what happened, but how the student reacts to and thinks about what happened. Now, this all being said, its much easier to accomplish this with interesting content than mundane content. That is, it would be a lot catchier to write about learning a lesson while taking an airplane out of a nosedive than writing about learning the same lesson in Honors Pre-calculus. But, in my opinion, its the thinking that drives the quality of the essay. So, to directly respond to the question, one of the better ways that a student can select a topic is to ask herself this: How have I changed in recent years? Why did I change? What precipitated the change? Employ this central concept as the backbone of the essay and build around it. VT: Are there any essay topics you get tired of seeing or would warn students to stay away from? Eddie: Like I mentioned, its the students perspective rather than the content of the essays that really counts. But, there are still some topics (usually the clichs) that will just not get the benefit of the doubt. The three Ds as theyre called (death, drugs, divorce) are generally considered overused, as is the last second shot or any variation thereof. That all being said, Ive read some fabulous essays on all four of these concepts, so they shouldnt be ruled out a priori. Let me address an interesting concept, though, thats asked at least once each year: What about problems with drugs? Alcohol? Delinquency? My position on this is the following: Youre safe to use these as subjects as long as A) they happened far enough in the past that they wouldnt seem to be matter of immediate concern for a university, and B) the student makes a compelling case that hes surmounted the problem. VT: What is the biggest mistake a student can make on a college application? Eddie: Assuming that theyre a list of accomplishments a resume rather than a person. USC has a great slogan. It goes, A college isnt a trophy. Its a match. Students need to be aware of this about themselves, too: colleges are not necessarily looking for the trophies. Theyre looking for the kid that will thrive in the environment offered. So, dont make the essay look like a list of awards; dont spout off a litany of accomplishments in the interview; and, for younger students, do an activity because you like it, not because it seems coveted by colleges. Whats coveted by colleges is whats rare, and right now honesty is rare. VT: What is the typical process an admissions officer goes through to evaluate applications? Eddie: I think that most people in the profession will tell you that there arent many universal commonalities between admissions offices. The admissions offices I worked in had processes that were not remotely similar to one another. You can find commonalities within certain types of schools, though. In elite private schools, which most people think of when they think of college admissions, you will usually have at least two readers who need to come to an agreement on a student. A third reader can break a tie. But, its not like this is information you can do anything with. Just about everything with the process is variable. Ive worked for a school where I spent a half-hour reading the essay, and a school where I took two minutes; a school that had comprehensive review, and another that was on a points system; a school where I was expected to write up a full defense of the student for review, and another where I bubbled in a Scantron form. In short, theres a lot of overlap between what schools are looking for, but not a ton of true universals in the process. VT:What do you think is the single most important thing a student should make sure they present in the best possible way on their application? Eddie: To repeat, and this is especially the case for the top-tier schools, I feel that personal growth is the best quality to showcase. You could make the argument for academic passion, but this can be a bit one-dimensional. Presenting growth shows several things: -The students life through a series of vignettes. -A students thought process and her ability to reflect. -Maturity and an understanding of her place in the world. Again, academic passion (as well as innumerable other aspects of a students character) is certainly important, but growth, maturing, confrontation of obstacles, and the like can provide a kaleidoscope of personal information in comparison to the former quality. VT: How should students go about determining the culture of a university, and whether they would be a good fit? Eddie: There are so many ways to access information out there that its probably easier to say what they shouldnt consider. I'd say the least reliable way to get info is through hearsay, followed closely by the colleges own marketing materials; the latter are designed for sales, not information. Clearly, the best way to get to know a place is to visit, sit in on a class, and spend the evening in a res hall. But, some other pieces of advice: -Look through college papers. Theyll give an idea of the issues that are important to students, as well as how the place functions as a community. -Along the same lines, look at independent student papers, like the Florida Alligator. Theyre less beholden to the marketing arm of the school (i.e., admissions). -Find a way to get in touch with current students. Again, try to stay away from the ones whore hand-picked by admissions; theyll usually have a slight agenda. Look in chatrooms, to the extent that its welcome and wouldnt come entirely unsolicited, email students on Facebook who would like to talk about the school, and so on. Just be polite (this is their free time), dont overwhelm them with questions, and use your common sense. (Dont be creepy, weird, and overbearing.) Finally, Ive been using Unigo as a good source of information for the last several years. Even though you're getting subjective input, at least it's from current students, and it helps to have a wide enough array of voices to balance out any rogues. In the interest of full disclosure, by the way, I work for Unigo as a featured counselor. VT: Early-action, early-decision, binding/non-binding, regular decisions...With so many choices when applying, what do you recommend to students? Eddie: Set your interests and priorities first, then consider the decision plan. Early Decision (ED), for instance, will offer far higher acceptance rates than Regular Decision (RD), sometimes double the RD rate. But, just because you can get into Johns Hopkins (for instance) easier through ED, do you want to? After all, with ED, you have to go if youre admitted. Ive seen far too many students do this, thus putting the cart before the horse. They think, first, What is the best school where I can use the decision plan as leverage? rather than thinking, Where would I be most successful? Students with this mentality might wind up at a school a few notches higher on the U.S. News rankings, but they could regret a commitment that they didnt make for the right reasons. Just something else about EA/ED and the early plans in general: Students who have low test scores or have had a poor 6th semester (second semester junior year) should probably think twice about applying early, even to their top choice. The statistical benefits of ED, in this case, can be outweighed by, for instance, a slightly downward grade trend or lower than desired test scores. VT: How important are grades and standardized test scores when admissions decisions are being made? Eddie: In terms of absolute importance, theyre always the most important part of the application, with the transcript in first place followed by the test scores. In terms of relative importance, it varies. To clarify, no one is considered for HYPS (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford) without near-perfect numbers (what Im calling grades and tests). This is the absolute importance part. However, no one will be admitted to HYPS on numbers alone. This is the relative importance part. The further you get down the selectivity ratings of the school, though, the more the relative importance of the numbers goes up. For instance, although no one can ride a 4.0/2400 into Yale, they can certainly do so with San Diego State, who cares almost exclusively about the numbers. So, long story short, the numbers are always important, but students shouldnt expect to impress top-tier schools on the basis of GPA and test scores alone. For the lower level schools, though, they can. VT: What tips do you have for students asking their teachers for letters of recommendation? Eddie: In all cases, you want your recommender to be the person who can write about you in the most glowing fashion. However, this doesnt always happen. Coaches, club advisors, and the like, one would think, would write wonderful LoRs. But, you simply cant use these folks for this function! In most cases, I use the following cheat sheet: -The recommender should be a teacher in an academic class. Auto Tech and AVID, for instance, are out. Math, science, and the humanities are in. Elective teachers, art instructors, and similar profs can go either way, although there are some selective schools that accept LoRs from art teachers only if the classes taken from them were AP level or similar. -You should have studied under the recommender for a full year. In other words, an instructor that youve had for just a semester wont work. Remember: in just about every LoR form, there will be the question, How long and in what context have you known the applicant? A one-semester teacher reflects weakly on you. -Stay away from freshman year teachers, unless youve taken courses with them after freshman year. -Stay away from teachers whom you will have had only for senior year. Theres not enough time for them to get to know you! -If, after all of this, you still have a large number of potential LoR writers, this would be the tie-breaker: Who can write you the most glowing letter? -The final tie-breaker? All other things being equal, choose one math/science and one humanities teacher. Its nice (although usually not required) to show both sides of the brain. Keep in mind, by the way, that you will need two recommenders for most private school applications. Finally, build a brag sheet, which is really just a heavily annotated resume that highlights the students most impressive attributes, areas of involvement, activities, and skills. It helps to both remind and guide the recommender. Check out Eddies website, LaMeire College Consulting, for more information.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Top 10 MBA Abroad Destinations

Top 10 MBA Abroad Destinations GMAT MBA Admissions Blog The MBA is one of the most sought-after graduate programs in the world. Whether you are looking for a jump in the corporate career ladder, starting your own venture or hoping for a career change, an MBA degree could be more than handy. According to the QS Global Employer Survey 2017/2018results, business and management studies are among the top 5 preferred disciplines among the recruiters. MBA is a great program to learn cross-functional skills and essential soft skills. On top of that, studying abroad has its own unique advantages. Hence, it’s a no-brainer why so many international students apply for MBA programs abroad. In this post, we will look at the top 10 MBA abroad destinations for international students. Why pursue your MBA abroad? In today’s age of globalization, it is very important to understand the cultural differences and ways of functioning effectively in a range of societies. An international MBA program is an ideal platform to learn organizational behaviour and culture from lecturers and peers with different backgrounds and cultures. Here are the top reasons for pursuing an MBA abroad among international students: Once you figure out that a foreign MBA program is the right step for you, you need to be aware of the eligibility criteria,entrance exams, andapplication process of getting your MBA abroad. Of course, the admissions process is a competitive one, especiallyif you are eyeing schools Harvard, Wharton, INSEAD, Oxford. Next, you need to consider the costs (tuition fees living expenses) and the possibility (and amount) of scholarships financial aid. Then you have to think about the post-MBA complexities and opportunities. For instance, after completing an MBA in a foreign country, the majority of Indian students prefer working overseas for at least a few years to recover expenses (and to gain international work experience) before potentially going back to India. So, which is the best foreign country to go to for an MBA? We will look at the top MBA abroad destinations among international students in terms of popularity, quality of education, costs, and job prospects. The image above demonstrates the top 20 preferred MBA abroad destinations for international studentsaroundthe globe. In this post, we will take a closer look at the top 10 countries along with their specific career prospects, top business schools and costs. Top 10 MBA Abroad Destinations for International Students USA Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:58.7% (2018) | 65% (2013) The US is by far the most popular destination among international students for pursuing an MBA abroad. When it comes to the course curriculum, infrastructure, resources and career opportunities, USA is the no. 1 choice for the majority of Indian students. The MBA is one of the most prestigious degrees in the US. Apart from lectures coursework, the quality of seminars, guest lectures, case studies, practical exposure internships is unmatchable. The concept of MBA programs was developed in the US. Additionally, the US also hosts some of the most prestigious and highly selective graduate business schools such as Harvard, UPenn (Wharton), Stanford, Chicago (Booth), UC Berkeley (Haas), Dartmouth (Tuck), MIT (Sloan), Northwestern (Kellogg), and many more. It should be noted that the MBA in the US is an expensive affair. At the top business schools, fees can range from $100,000 to $200,000 forjust over a period of two-years. However, US business schools often offer generous scholarships to deserving students. UK Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:36.9% (2018) |41% (2013) Post-Brexit and with the scrapping of the Post-Study Work Permit scheme in 2011,the UK has lost significant popularity as an MBA abroad destination. But, the UK is still a good choice for folks looking for shorter duration (one year MBA) programs. The UK has been one of the most traditional destinations for studying abroad. The country hosts some of the biggest brands on the planet as well. There are many MBA programs in or around London, one of the largest financial hubs in the world. Almost all the top MNCs have a presence in London. Though it’s tough, it’s not impossible to get a job in the UK as an international student. The top MBA schools in the UK are London Business School, Cambridge, Oxford, Manchester, Cass Business School, Warwick, Cranfield, and Imperial Business School. An MBA from the UK will typically cost you between $55,000 - $90,000. Canada Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:34% (2018) |23% (2013) Canada has gained tremendous popularity among international students in the last five years. At present, Canada is among the top 3 preferred MBA destinations. There aren’t as many top MBA schools in Canada to choose from. But relatively low tuition fees, relaxed post-study work permits, openness to foreign students, a simple immigration process, stable economy, and multicultural society attract a large number of foreign students. Canada is a diverse country; so many international students feel at home here. For the most part, international students can expect a high standard of living while in Canada. More importantly, the country also has some of the best business schools in the world. The top schools are Toronto (Rotman), York (Schulich), Western (Ivey), UBC (Sauder), HEC Montreal, McGill (Desautels), Alberta, and Queens. The cost of studying MBA in Canada varies from $50,000 to $110,000. So, the costs are relatively cheaper than the USA. However, for MBA graduates in Canada, opportunities for internships or jobs within large corporations are on the slimmer side. In Canada, more than 98% of firms are small (less than 100 employees). But, nonetheless, Canada is still an excellent destination for pursuing an MBA. MBA programs in Canada will expose students to a top-notch education along with a strong focus on global business, corporate social responsibility, internships, and industry projects. Australia Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:25.2% (2018) | 20% (2013) Australia does not have too many MBA programs that are featured in 'Top 100 in the World' lists. But, owing to the country’s quality of education, friendly immigration policies, and high standard of living, Australian MBAs are quite popular among international students. The top MBA schools in Australia are Melbourne, UNSW, Macquarie, Sydney, QUT, and Monash. If you are looking for a decent education along with industry exposure, and stay-back immigration options, then Australia is a good choice. However, if you wish to relocate to another country after finishing your MBA, I would recommend focusing UNSW Melbourne, if possible. The cost of pursuing an MBA (fees living expenses) in Australia is not cheap. The MBA programs in Australia cost between USD $37,000 and USD $72,000. The average MBA fees in Australia have seen another strong increase in 2018 with the standard course now costing more than $50,000, up nearly 12% in three years. Germany Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:22.4% (2018) | 15% (2013) Germany has always been a powerhouse when it comes to technology, research innovation. According to the World Bank, the German economy is the largest in Europe and 4thin the world. Apart from having a stable economy, Germany is also home to some of the best institutions in the world. More often than not, foreign students prefer English speaking countries, especially for MBA programs. But, a stable economy, high quality of education, relatively low cost of education, high standard of living, nice post-study work scheme, and good job prospects in Germany are often too good to ignore. The top MBA schools in Germany are Manheim, ESMT Berlin, ESCP Europe (Berlin Campus), Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, HHL Leipzig, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, EBS etc. As an international student, you will pay between $30,000 and $50,000 for your MBA. Apart from these globally ranked schools, foreign students can also pursue their MBA from the Universities of Applied Sciences. They might not be very well known and don’t feature in the ranking tables (QS or FT). But, they can really give you a good return on investment. France Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:19.4% (2018) | 23% (2013) France is another very popular study abroad destination for prospective MBA students. In France, the Government spends more than 20% of its budget on education. The French education is among the best in the world, in terms of content, industry relevance, and quality. As an international student in France, you can enjoy all the benefits that a French national enjoys. France is a global superpower when it comes to science technology, business finance, fashion, arts etc. Two of the most competitive top-ranked business schools in the world are based in France â€" INSEAD HEC Paris. Additionally, ESSEC, EDHEC, ESCP Europe (Paris), Grenoble Business School, Emylon Business School, and SKEMA Business School are very reputable. Spain Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:14.9% (2018) | 15% (2013) In spite of the country's recent political socio-economic concerns, an MBA in Spain remains a strong proposition for international students. Those who want to learn the Spanish language and business culture in order to be competent conducting affairs within Spain and Spanish-speaking Latin American and Caribbean countries, getting your MBA in Spain is a great option. Additionally, Spain’s rich history, culture and love for the arts, not to mention its Southern European climate, will always appeal to many prospective students looking to get the most out of their MBA experience away from the classroom. The top business schools in Spain are IE Business School, ESADE Business School, IESE Business School, and University of Navarra. The tuition fees of MBA programs in Spain range from USD $75,000 to $ 92,000. Singapore Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:14.3% (2018) | 15% (2013) Singapore has been turning out to be popular among international students. It’s among the fastest growing economies, and hosts several large corporations. The MBA degrees offered by universities in Singapore are globally recognized. They provide extremely international environments with extensive global connections.The top schools in Singapore are National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and the INSEAD Singapore campus. NUS or NTU costs between USD $39,000 - $47,000. However, the INSEAD MBA will cost you around $97,000. Switzerland Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:14.1% (2018) | 14% (2013) Switzerland is known for its high teaching standards and attracts some of the world's top intellectuals, thanks to high salaries and high quality of life. 21% of students and 40% of the faculty at Swiss universities come from other countries. Switzerland is also one of the OECD countries that invests the most money in education and research. Switzerland is located in the heart of Europe, and is also a center for international travel with Zurich, Basel and Geneva serving as aviation gateways. It’s a great place to develop hard soft skills that are required in the modern business world. Switzerland offers some of the highest MBA salaries for graduates, compared to other European countries and the world as a whole. The top business schools in Switzerland are IMD Business School, St. Gallen, HEC Lausanne, EU Business School, and Geneva School of Economics Management. The average MBA fees in Switzerland are around USD $55,000. However, the MBA cost at IMD is around USD $132,500. Read more aboutthe most expensive MBA programs in the world. Netherlands Popularity Among International Students for Pursuing MBA:10.7% (2018) | 10% (2013) By pursuing an MBA program in the Netherlands, you can study in fascinating Dutch cities and enjoy the openness of the Dutch society as well as the interesting political environment. The Netherlands is an attractive destination for MBA students within Europe â€" coming in at the 10thposition worldwide. The country has a rich economic history along with a favourable environment towards innovation, creativity entrepreneurship. The top business schools in the Netherlands are Rotterdam School of Management, TiasNimbus Business School, Amsterdam Business School, Maastricht School of Management, and Nyenrode Business University. MBA fees in the Netherlands range from USD $50,000 to $60,000. There are many benefits to pursuing your MBA degree abroad. Keep your options open, do your research, establish your priorities, and you'll be well on your way to choosing the best MBA program for you! About the Author Tanmoy Rayis a career adviser admissions counsellor, blogger, and content marketer. He has worked with the University of Oxford (UK), Utrecht University (Netherlands) and University of New South Wales (Australia). At present, he works withStoodnt, Inc. If you're interested in participating in one of MyGuru's free GMAT webinar, please click here for more information and to sign up.

QuickBooks Tips and Tricks How to Learn QuickBooks Fast - Private Tutoring

QuickBooks Tips and Tricks How to Learn QuickBooks Fast Anna L Jun 18, 2018 Find a Great Quickbooks Tutor Near You! It's Simple and Secure - Get Real Results Fast. Find Expert Private Tutors at Reasonable Rates Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson Our Quickbooks tips and tricks are designed to help you learn this software quickly and painlessly! QuickBooks is a software program by Intuit. It is designed to manage payroll, inventory, sales, and other business needs. Learning how to use QuickBooks is relatively straightforward, the software is so well designed that it takes care of most of the hard work. However, when the success of your business is at stake, you don’t want to be making mistakes. Finding a QuickBooks tutor is an easy way to get your head around all the functions and features of the software without compromising business success. This article will help you identify the difficult aspects of QuickBooks and how to boost your knowledge quickly! There are several versions of the program, so it is best to determine which is the one that suits your needs. In general, the QuickBook applications include; Manage bills Track miles Income and expenses Invoicing and payments Multiple users Manage contractors Enhance payroll Full service payroll Track time Inventory Reporting Sales and sales tax Estimates Tax deductions Get capital Bottom line Quickbooks is designed to make it fast (or quick..we couldnt resist) to get the boring task of accounting done so that you can move forward with other areas of your life and business.   With so many features, you can see now why having a tutor is a valuable way to learn how to use QuickBooks in a fast, easy and effective way.   You can gain all that you need to know without wasting time trying to figure it out yourself.   And as someone that did initially try to do that before getting help, I have the experience to show that its ineffective and time consuming. Who Uses QuickBooks QuickBooks can be used by anyone actually.   However, it is most commonly used by small business owners as this is the intended target market that the software was created to help. Intuit must be doing something right, because QuickBooks is now used by 2.2 million small businesses across 192 countries! Now that should boost your confidence. You can read more about the success of QuickBooks here. How to Learn QuickBooks Fast So you’ve done all the hard work â€" market research, business proposals, employer interviews, and more. Your business is up and running and you’re loving it. Except for one thing. The bookkeeping and administration. This is where QuickBooks comes in. It will help manage all your data allowing you to focus on more important aspects of your business. But you need to know how to use the software now! There are plenty of QuickBooks tutorials for beginners, the software comes with a free QuickBooks training manual, and you might even be lucky enough to attend a local QuickBooks training session. However, if you are really serious about learning QuickBooks quickly and effectively, a QuickBooks tutor is the way to go. They can create tailor-made sessions to suit your exact needs and will act a little like a mentor in your business endeavors.   Within a couple of hours youll be up and running like a pro and able to keep track of everything you, your business and your accountant need. Areas of Difficulty This one is rather personal. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, so what one person finds difficult another might find easy. If your area of expertise is in your product then sales may be easy, but you will possibly struggle with income and expenses. Being good at accounting, bookkeeping and tracking is not easy for many of us! Equally, if you are familiar with the business side of things or happen to love accounting, invoicing and payroll will be a breeze, but keeping track of your inventory will be a little more difficult. The good news is that QuickBooks is easy to learn at least on the basic level.   However there are going to be areas you may find challenging and it’s much better to have someone that can provide a bit of input quickly than employing extra people to take on unnecessary work at an unnecessary cost.  You Might Also Be Interested In:  Quickbooks Tutor Help What to Learn and How to Do it Quickly Start by learning what you need to know. This may sound very obvious and simple, but you will most likely already be familiar with some aspects of QuickBooks even if you haven’t used the software before.   It might take a bit of time, but dig into the software to find out all the features that it offers and determine which are ones that you want or need and which can be ignored. If you don’t travel for work you can temporarily ignore the ‘track miles’ feature, and if you don’t employ contractors, you can forget that section too! Focus on more pressing aspects such as income and expenses and managing bills to set your business on track fot quickly scale the financial ladder. To learn as quickly as possible, skip the manual and written instructions. They can be confusing and time consuming. Instead, opt for possibly checking out some QuickBooks tutorials on YouTube. A simple search for ‘QuickBooks for Dummies’ should bring an abundance of videos that you can pause and rewind to ensure you understand key concepts. Many of these videos have been made by accountants and other professionals so you know the information you are receiving is correct. Better still, is considering using a QuickBooks tutor. This way, the information you need will be delivered directly to you without all the stuff you don’t need. It is a far more time-effective option as well as being quite specific to your business. Where possible, try and find a QuickBooks tutor near you that is able to meet in person which will be more beneficial than online.   It will almost be like having your own personal consultant to help you not only learn the software faster than you thought possible, but also help you get setup and configured in a way that will benefit your business. So there you have it. A brief rundown on QuickBooks and how it can help you and your business grow as well as some tips that can help you master the software quickly easily and then get back to making your business explode this year! We can help you find the best private tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee: You don't pay for tutoring unless you find a good fit. Choose Your Subject â€" Add Your Zip Code â€" Find Top Rated Tutors Starting Today! 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Writing Your Way to Language Fluency

Writing Your Way to Language Fluency Guest Post by Allison VanNest, Grammarly.com Even if your goal is just to be conversant in a new language, don’t neglect reading and writing in favor of speaking and listening. These four aspects of language acquisition all work together to forge new pathways in your brain. Incorporate daily writing practice into your routine to learn faster. Here’s how: Be Social. Find a writing buddy who speaks the language you are learning, and offer to trade writing samples.  italki’s notebook feature allows you to post short pieces of writing for correction by a community of native speakers. It’s a social way of learning that helps you develop your language skills at your own pace. Master Idioms. Some of the most difficult things to master in any language are the idiomsâ€"regional expressions that can’t be literally translated. For example, in English you might greet someone informally with “What’s up?” but if you translated that expression word-for-word into a foreign language, you might get some funny looks. Writing lets you explore those expressions and incorporate them into your speech. Practice Grammar. Native speakers tend to instinctively know when words are in the wrong order or the incorrect pronoun appears in a sentence; however, even similar languages such as Italian and Spanish have differing grammar rules. It’s much easier to figure out the ins and outs of grammar by writing and reading. You can take your time and correct mistakes that might go unnoticed in speech. Develop Your Vocabulary. When practicing conversation in a new language, you tend to fall back on the limited stock of words you’ve already masteredâ€"if you’ve only learned the words for apple and banana, you can’t ask for an orange. Writing allows you to explore a richer vocabulary since you aren’t limited to the words on the tip of your tongue. Make it Personal. Keeping a journal or diary in the language you are studying is a great way to learn. Since you’re writing about your life in the real world instead of practicing made-up scenarios, it helps to reinforce the connection between your brain and the new language. Get Creative. You don’t have to stick to writing about the mundane. If you don’t want to journal about your day-to-day life, trying writing a piece of fiction instead. You’ll develop more vocabulary when writing creatively, and you may discover that it’s more fun, too. If you’re feeling really ambitious, you might participate in NaNoWriMo this November, a month-long challenge to write an entire novel in 30 days. If that sounds too overwhelming, Grammarly has a group novel project, GrammoWriMo, for participants to each contribute up to 800 words. Write, Then Translate. When you’re learning a new language, you still think in your native tongue. Try approaching the written word the same way. Write a page in your journal in your native language first and then translate it into the language you want to learn. Take a Picture. Ryan North, the creator of Dinosaur Comics, shared examples of his six-panel comic strip that had been captioned by foreign language students. The Japanese and Korean students used the pictures to tell their own story. You can try the same thing by taking a comic strip and blanking out the text, watching a cartoon with the sound off and making up a story for the characters, or even just looking at a picture or movie still and describing the characters and action. It’s okay if it’s silly; in fact, that just makes it more fun! Keep a Sense of Humor. You’re going to make mistakes. That’s okay. Learning a new language is tough, and if you accidentally use the wrong word or mangle a sentence, remember that every mistake is a learning opportunity. When a native speaker corrects your grammarâ€"you meant to say something about the weather but accidentally asked to pet their uncle’s cowâ€"laugh it off and learn from it. Next time, you’ll get it right! About the Author A self-proclaimed word nerd, Allison VanNest works with Grammarly to help perfect written English. Connect with Allie, the Grammarly team and its extensive social media community on Facebook or Twitter. And don’t forget to sign up for Grammarly’s group novel project to begin this November at www.grammarly.com/grammowrimo. Writing Your Way to Language Fluency Guest Post by Allison VanNest, Grammarly.com Even if your goal is just to be conversant in a new language, don’t neglect reading and writing in favor of speaking and listening. These four aspects of language acquisition all work together to forge new pathways in your brain. Incorporate daily writing practice into your routine to learn faster. Here’s how: Be Social. Find a writing buddy who speaks the language you are learning, and offer to trade writing samples.  italki’s notebook feature allows you to post short pieces of writing for correction by a community of native speakers. It’s a social way of learning that helps you develop your language skills at your own pace. Master Idioms. Some of the most difficult things to master in any language are the idiomsâ€"regional expressions that can’t be literally translated. For example, in English you might greet someone informally with “What’s up?” but if you translated that expression word-for-word into a foreign language, you might get some funny looks. Writing lets you explore those expressions and incorporate them into your speech. Practice Grammar. Native speakers tend to instinctively know when words are in the wrong order or the incorrect pronoun appears in a sentence; however, even similar languages such as Italian and Spanish have differing grammar rules. It’s much easier to figure out the ins and outs of grammar by writing and reading. You can take your time and correct mistakes that might go unnoticed in speech. Develop Your Vocabulary. When practicing conversation in a new language, you tend to fall back on the limited stock of words you’ve already masteredâ€"if you’ve only learned the words for apple and banana, you can’t ask for an orange. Writing allows you to explore a richer vocabulary since you aren’t limited to the words on the tip of your tongue. Make it Personal. Keeping a journal or diary in the language you are studying is a great way to learn. Since you’re writing about your life in the real world instead of practicing made-up scenarios, it helps to reinforce the connection between your brain and the new language. Get Creative. You don’t have to stick to writing about the mundane. If you don’t want to journal about your day-to-day life, trying writing a piece of fiction instead. You’ll develop more vocabulary when writing creatively, and you may discover that it’s more fun, too. If you’re feeling really ambitious, you might participate in NaNoWriMo this November, a month-long challenge to write an entire novel in 30 days. If that sounds too overwhelming, Grammarly has a group novel project, GrammoWriMo, for participants to each contribute up to 800 words. Write, Then Translate. When you’re learning a new language, you still think in your native tongue. Try approaching the written word the same way. Write a page in your journal in your native language first and then translate it into the language you want to learn. Take a Picture. Ryan North, the creator of Dinosaur Comics, shared examples of his six-panel comic strip that had been captioned by foreign language students. The Japanese and Korean students used the pictures to tell their own story. You can try the same thing by taking a comic strip and blanking out the text, watching a cartoon with the sound off and making up a story for the characters, or even just looking at a picture or movie still and describing the characters and action. It’s okay if it’s silly; in fact, that just makes it more fun! Keep a Sense of Humor. You’re going to make mistakes. That’s okay. Learning a new language is tough, and if you accidentally use the wrong word or mangle a sentence, remember that every mistake is a learning opportunity. When a native speaker corrects your grammarâ€"you meant to say something about the weather but accidentally asked to pet their uncle’s cowâ€"laugh it off and learn from it. Next time, you’ll get it right! About the Author A self-proclaimed word nerd, Allison VanNest works with Grammarly to help perfect written English. Connect with Allie, the Grammarly team and its extensive social media community on Facebook or Twitter. And don’t forget to sign up for Grammarly’s group novel project to begin this November at www.grammarly.com/grammowrimo.